Tree Care Myths

Tree Care Myths

Should you prune your trees in the spring? How deep should fertilizer be applied to get to the roots of the trees? Which varieties of trees ought to be topped to keep them from falling on your home? Tree Care is complicated.

Most property owners treasure the trees on their property but know little about how you can take care of them. A lot of what you might have heard about tree care is really bad advice and, based on myths and misconceptions. Here are the Top 10 myths of tree care, one at a time:

MYTH NUMBER 1: When a tree is planted it should be securely staked to make sure the development of a stable root system and a strong trunk are created.  Although it’s occasionally necessary to stake trees to help keep them upright and established, there are some negative effects of staking. In comparison with staked trees, un-staked trees have a tendency to develop a more substantial root system and better trunk shape and taper.  This allows  a small quantity of movement and can assist root and trunk development. Obviously, the worst impact of staking will be the possibility of trunk damage from the staking wires or ties. Staking supplies generally should be removed after 1 year to avoid “girdling” the tree.