Why Choose a Certified Arborist in Louisville, Ky?

Arborists are trained experts which are knowledgeable and equipped to provide correct tree care. They’re specially trained to provide a variety to services to preserve trees. ISA Certified Arborists are individuals who have accomplished a degree of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through a minimum of three years of experience and have passed a complete examination. They’re also required to continue their education to be able to maintain their certification, making certain their understanding is updated on the latest arboriculture techniques.

Arboriculture is the cultivation of trees and shrubs. The discipline consists of the study of how they grow and respond to cultural practices and the environment as well as aspects of cultivation like choice, planting, care, and removal.

The objective is generally to manage trees, generally in a garden or urban setting, for plant health and longevity, pest and pathogen resistance, risk management and ornamental or aesthetic reasons.

 Why Choose a Certified Arborist ?

By employing the services of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist who will supervise the work, you can be assured of the services of an arborist who has been examined in most areas of tree care which includes the following:

  •  Tree Nutrition and Fertilization
  •  Installation and Establishment
  •  Tree Biology
  •  Tree, Soil and Water Relations
  •  Cabling, Bracing & Lightning Protection
  •  Tree, People and Ecology (Construction Damage and Hazardous Trees)
  •  Tree Identification and Selection
  •  Safety and Climbing
  •  Pruning, Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Tree Removal

While hiring a Certified Arborist is not a guarantee of the best in tree care work, it is a proper beginning in assisting you in establishing a long term relationship with a reliable and thoroughly professional arborist.